Friday, January 21, 2011

Multiple Language Support-SDK 3.5

Flex 3 / Flex 4 allow switching among multiple languages in flex application.
Here I explain how this makes possible in a flex 3 application.
The following steps need to be followed.
·         Step 1: Add unsupported locale in the folder structure.
·         Step 2: Creating my-resources, a flex project
·         Step 3: Creating my-library, a flex library project
·         Step 4: Creating my-application, a flex project
So let us build a small flex application, from which we can switch from US English to French at run time and vise-versa.  
For the purpose of this exercise, we create an assumption that the language switching is implemented in the main application while the contents are coming from the project library.
Step 1: Add unsupported locale in the folder structure.
By default flex sdk ver. 3.0 supports the resources US English (en_US), Japanese (ja_JP).These 2 are already configured. We are trying to add a new language resource French (fr_FR).
For this the flex framework needs to be configured to recognize the locale.
·         First go to the command prompt.
·         Then change the directory to {Flex SDK Path}     (for e.g.: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Builder4\Adobe Flash Builder 4\sdks\4.0.0\bin).
·         Then execute the command copylocale en_US fr_FR
·         Refer the following image.

Executing copylocale command
Step 2: Creating my-resources, a flex project
We are creating this project in terms of reusable scenario. Now create a project named my-resources in your default flex workspace. So we can refer this common project via ‘${DOCUMENTS}/my-resources’.
·         Add the folders ‘locale’, ’en_US’ and ‘fr_FR’ as shown in the following image.
·         Add ‘’ file in both folders ’en_US’ and ‘fr_FR’ as shown in the above image.
·         Copy the following code & paste to the file {Flex local folder path} \locale\en_US\

       # ${DOCUMENTS}/my-resources/locale/en_US/
       FRENCH=French – Français
       TEXT=Let's switch languages!
·         Copy the following code & paste to the file {Flex local folder path} \locale\fr_FR\
      # ${DOCUMENTS}/my-resources/locale/fr_FR/
      ENGLISH=Anglais - English
      TEXT=Changeons de langue !
Step 3: Creating my-library, a flex library project
·         Create a library project named ‘my_library’.
·         Then select the properties of the project ‘my_library’.
·         Select the option ‘Flex Library Build Path’.
·         Select the tab ‘Source path’.
·         Click Add Folder…
·         Paste the line to the text area
      “ ${DOCUMENTS}/my-resources/locale/{locale} “ and click OK.
·         Then set the additional compiler arguments for the library project.
·         Select the properties of the project ‘my_library’.
·         Select the option ‘Flex Library Compiler’.
·         Replace the Additional compiler arguments with the following string 
       “-locale=en_US,fr_FR -include-resource-bundles resources “ 
        and click Apply then OK.

·         Add a folder inside src folder named ‘il8n’.
·         Create a new mxml file inside the new folder named ‘MyComponent’.
·         Replace the file contents with the following code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="">
<mx:Label text="{resourceManager.getString('resources', 'TEXT')}"/>
·         Build the library project.
·         We get the output file from the ‘bin’ folder as shown in the above figure.
·         Generated ‘my_library.swc’ contains the localization for both en_US,fr_FR locales.
Step 4: Creating my-application, a flex project
·         Create a Flex project named ‘my-application’.
·         Then select the properties of the project ‘my-application’.
·         Select the option ‘Flex Build Path’.
·         Select the tab ‘Source path’.
·         Click Add Folder…
·         Paste the line to the text area “ ${DOCUMENTS}/my-resources “ 
      and click OK.

·         Then select the properties of the project ‘my-application’.
·         Select the option ‘Flex Build Path’.
·         Select the tab ‘Library path’.
·         Click Add Project…
·         Browse the library project already created ‘my_library’ and click OK.

·         Then set the additional compiler arguments for the main project.
·         Select the properties of the project ‘my-application’.
·         Select the option ‘Flex Compiler’.
·         Replace the Additional compiler arguments with the following string
      " -locale=en_US,fr_FR -source-path=locale/{locale} -allow-source-path- overlap=true and click Apply then OK.


·         Edit the main mxml file (here it is ‘MyApplication.mxml’).


·         Replace its content by the following code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
                  private const en_US:String="en_US";
                  private const fr_FR:String="fr_FR";

                  private function handleCreationComplete():void

                  private function handleLanguageTypeClick(event:ItemClickEvent):void
                        var rbg:RadioButtonGroup=event.currentTarget as RadioButtonGroup;
                        switch (rbg.selectedValue)
                              case en_US:
                              case fr_FR:
      <mx:Panel title="Localized Flex Library"
            <mx:VBox left="10"
                        <mx:RadioButtonGroup id="languageType"
                        <mx:RadioButton id="english"
                                                label="{resourceManager.getString('resources', 'ENGLISH')}"
                        <mx:RadioButton id="french"
                                                label="{resourceManager.getString('resources', 'FRENCH')}"
                  <mx:HRule width="100%"/>

Now we created a flex project (using sdk 3.5) which can switch among multiple languages.

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